Special sport performance award 2018
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Special sport performance award 2018

Friday, 22nd February 2019 a ceremony was held at the local sports centre in Hechtel-Eksel where the best sport performance of 2018 was celebrated. On invitation of the local municipality many athletes gathered and awards were received for “Best Sportsman 2018”, “Best Sportswoman 2018”, and “Promising Youngster 2018”.

Those awards all relate to winning on provincial or national championchips. However, never before the performances of athletes have been recognised who didn’t participate in a championchips. For the first time ever, the municipality of Hechtel-Eksel honored 4 athletes/clubs for their special sport performance.

We are one of those 4 athletes/clubs who receivde an award!

Our dojo was honored for “Special sport performance 2018”. In 2018 we held our annual Kobudo Challenge. During this challenge 19 members of the Honbu Dojo, most of them were kids, did 3,000 times Jodan Naname Uchi which ended in a total of 57,000 hittings. This extraordinary performance convinced the commitee.

More than 40 people (students, parents, brothers and sisters) participated in the ceremony. Nina Vander Mierde and Obe Jordens were on stage as representatives of all the children of our dojo receiving this recognition.

Our sincerest thanks go to the Municipality of Hechtel-Eksel for recognising this special performance and of course to all students who participated in the Kobudo Challenge 2018!


The Kobudo Challenge 2019 will take place Saturday, 4th May 2019

Here are some impressions from the evening including an article from the local newspaper.