Advanced Technique Seminar – 1/2 October 2011 @Hombo Dojo
The seminar was held at the Hombo Dojo in Belgium due to the wishes we had received during the Instructor seminar in June. A suitable topic was found quickly at that time. Lots of instructors mentioned the wish to broaden their knowledge in Suwari Waza Kata Techniques (Kata on knees) taught in our style Chi Ryu Aiki-Jitsu. From 3. Kyu upwards students are asked to perform different Suwari Waza Kata series during an examination. So the reason was given to dedicate a whole weekend to this topic.
On 1/2 October 2011 the time was come. The dojo was litteraly bursting at the seams. We had 21 students from different countries (Switzerland, Germany, Hungary, Belgium) participating in this seminar. Shihan Bernaschewice taught both Suwari Waza without and with Wakizashi. During the weekend the students were able to examine the scope of background information necessary to understand the Katas. Due to this and the nice weather the sweat was running quickly. Loads of “red knees” were running around in Hechtel after the seminar. 🙂
October 10, 2011at2:40 pmGreat Seminar,
Let’s do it again !
Tony & Patrick
October 16, 2011at12:48 pmIt was great ! We’ll hope to see it again. Soon ?
Tony & Patrick