Chi Ryu Aiki-Jitsu seminar in Magdeburg (Germany)
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Chi Ryu Aiki-Jitsu seminar in Magdeburg (Germany)

Magdeburg (Germany) was the location of the seminar this weekend. Shihan Jhonny Bernaschewice went there by invitation of Shihan Andreas Baron who runs his school there. Approximately 30 adults and 22 children from different parts of Germany (Berlin, Wismar, Leipzig, Magdeburg and Stade) came to deepen their knowledge about the art of Chi Ryu Aiki-Jitsu.

The first day (Saturday) was opened by Sensei Anja Baron with a warm up where she put emphasis on flexability. Afterwards, the group of participants was splitup into adults and children and taught on two different tatamis. The first lesson was led by Shihan Baron (children) and Shihan Bernaschewice (adults). Besides Ne-Waza techniques Shihan Bernaschewice taught combinations of the programme for the 6th Kyu. After a short break Sensei Marcus Oeding took over the lesson for children and put Ne-Waza techniques in the focus of attention. Shihan Bernaschewice completed his lesson for adults with Suwari-Waza as necessary for black belts. The last lesson for this day was finished by Shihan Andreas Baron (children) and Sensei Anja Baron (children). After the training 2 students passed their examination for the white belt with very good notes. Traditionally, all participants went to the Chinese restaurant afterwards and let the day fade away in a relaxed atmosphere.
The next day was devoted to lessons who served as exemplary for future teachers of Chi Ryu Aiki-Jitsu. Shihan Bernaschewice gave a lesson on how the teach a Zenkutsu-dachi to children in cooperation with Sensei Hans-Jürgen Pech while Shihan Andreas Baron taught Ken-Jitsu techniques to the adults.

The last lesson of the day was led by Stefan (picture above), a student of Shihan Andreas Baron, who took over the children and Shihan Bernaschewice who put emphasis on another modell-lesson for adults. First, Sensei Hans-Jürgen Pech showed how to teach Zenkutsu-dachi to adults putting emphasis on methodical aspects. Next, Shihan Andreas Baron showed how to teach throws (O-uchi-gari and Ko-uchi-gari) using a broad scale of methods. Last but not least, Sensei Marcus Oeding taught Yoko-shiho-gatame (picture below).

Because of the importance and necessity of those “modell-lessons” Shihan Bernaschewice announced this to be continued at the seminar for all Senseis in May at the Hombo Dojo.
Here are some more photos send to us by Michael Tzschichhold:
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