April 24, 2012
Honshitsu Podhale 10 Years Anniversary
We would like to provide you with news from our Polish Chi Ryu schools.
During 5 and 6 November 2011 the 10th anniversary of the Honshitsu dojo Podhale was celebrated. Shihan Rafal Tokarczyk who runs the dojo had invited Shihan Jhonny Bernaschewice on this occasion. A report about the seminar had been published in a Polish martial arts magazine. Below you’ll find the pages in their original language. The article in translation is given further down below.
Translation of the article
Between 05 and 06 November 2011 Dojo Honshitsu – Podhale Chi Ryu Group, had a great celebration. It was an seminar organized to celebrate 10th anniversary of this martial arts club. The guest of honor was the founder of our school Shihan Jhonny Bernaschewice. First we need to congratulate Shihan Rafał Tokarczyk – Dojo Honshitsu guardian, for the excellent organization of this meeting. With a pure heart, I can say that it was one of the best seminars in which I participated and I am sure that I’m not alone in this feelings, but let’s start from the beginning. In addition to students of Podhale Group, many people arrived for training. Students and teachers of martial arts came from across the Poland: from Szczecin, Świebodzin, Poznań, Warszawa, Łódź and of course Oświęcim. The first day of training began with an official greeting of the visitors, presenting shihan and sensei, then everyone were surprised by Shihan Rafał, dressed in a highlanders traditional outfit, who presented Kata Kuwa in the author’s interpretation using „Ciupaga” (traditional Shepherd’s Axe) – Kata Yama. After this show, proper training started. Following warm-up we could learn Tanto Kata in the interpretation of “Te”, which means by hands. Despite over 60 years of age, Shihan Bernashewice surprised all of us with incredible dynamism, power and precision in performing techniques, which every young student might envy him. In the next part of the training we focused on techniques bunkai and kihon of Chi Ryu school from sixth Kyu. In the last part sempai and sensei under the guidance of Shihan Bernashewice learned more advanced techniques. First group focused on Suwari Kata from third Kyu, and “black belts” learnt self-defense with a Wakizashi – short sword. After lunch we met again at the schools gym in Poronin. It is worth to thank principal Zofia Chowaniec for providing us the facilities of her school. Opportunity to practice in a modern facility for sure made our training much more pleasant. The second part of the first day of the seminar was devoted to kobudo. We started with BO, with this weapon we rehearsed the first and second hojoundo, basic techniques of bunkai, and Kata Sushi no Kun. In the second part of the afternoon meeting we focused on Sai, also working with both hojoundo and basic kata. Sensei, under the guidance of Shihan Bernashewice and Sensei Pawel Urbanczyk, trained also with nunchaku. Other people with Shihan Przemysław Wiśniewski have continued training with BO. At the end of the day, the highest grades were asked to present all the Kata of BO (5) and SAI (3). We could see, after the show, how much work is ahead of us. The two-day seminar could not go without the evening integration meeting. Here Shihan Rafał also rose to the occasion. We were invited by him to the inn „Baca” at the guesthouse in which the seminar participants were accommodated. We were greeted with plates full of „Oscypek” (traditional smoked cheese made of salted sheep milk), keg of beer and attraction of the evening – two roasted hogs. In spite of fatigue throughout the day of workouts, in warm atmosphere we celebrated to the late evening hours. Sunday, the second day of practice started briskly with Iai Jitsu of Chi Ryu School. Shihan Bernashewice focused on the details in hojoundo and Seitei Iai Kata specific to our school. This allowed us to better understand the idea of Iaido taught by our master. In the next part we could have seen an excellent presentation of Seitei Iai Kata performed by Iaido Sensei: Shihan Rafał Tokarczyk, Sensei Gerard Koniecki and Sensei Tadeusz Słomczewski. That day the sword was not the only weapon at our training, we learnt hojoundo techniques, bunkai and kata of the medium staff – JO. All good things have their end. After training there was some time to say goodbye, distribution of memorial certificates and commemorative photos. All of this was not without emotion, which indicates that the Chi Ryu has an important place in our hearts. Strong and positive closing of the seminar were the exams. The fifth kyu in Chi Ryu, in very good style, passed sempai Maciej Kwiek from Poznań. I – Jerzy Podsiadlo passed the first kyu in Iaido. Also a large representation of Honshitsu Dojo passed the fourth kyu in Kobudo: sempai: Mirosław Urbański, Jarosław Gomółka and Norbert Bylinka, and Kohei: Kinga Urbańska, Katarzyna Święta, Krzysztof Sewiołło and Jacek Górka. Thus ended the seminar on the occasion of the Tenth Anniversary of the Podhale Chi Ryu Group. Once again, thanks to Shihan Rafał for the excellent organisation of the seminar. Thanks are also to Shihan Jhonny for his patience, excellent level of taught techniques and willingness to share knowledge. Also big thanks for the other shihan and sensei, for their help and knowledge.Yoriki sempai Jerzy Podsiadło.
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