Busy times
We have been very busy for the past few months. Lots of things happened in between and we want to keep you up to date. There were examinations taken during the last months of 2012 and in the beginning of 2013 which haven't been mentioned
We have been very busy for the past few months. Lots of things happened in between and we want to keep you up to date. There were examinations taken during the last months of 2012 and in the beginning of 2013 which haven't been mentioned
Okinawa is calling and 10 students of our Federation answered the call. Being the birthplace of ancient martial arts, it is the goal for every student to train there. This year's daily schedule is packed with teachings in 3 different styles. In the morning the
Time has come to introduce a new generation of instructors at our annual qualification seminar for instructors. This year Sensei Csaba Ziegler (Budapest, Hungary) is teaching the interesting topic "Wrestling, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and Judo special ground fighting techniques and their application for Chi Ryu Aiki-Jitsu". In recent years ground fighting is
We would like to inform you that from 1st January 2013 Przemyslaw Wisniewski (Oswiecim, Poland) will not be accepted as a member of the Federation Geido Tao Chi Kihon anymore. Several issues in the past have led to this decision. He has been informed about them
We have receive a message from Sensei Hans Roos (Oud Beijerland, The Netherlands) that Kevin Splinter, a student of his dojo, won the 2012 IMAF World Open Championship title in the category weaponkata kyu grades. The IMAF WOC 2012 was held in Hoboken (Antwerp, Belgium)
Since 2003 Sven Gößner from Zhong Ryu Lobstädt (Germany) is studying Okinawa Kobudo. For many years he has been traveling to Okinawa along with Shihan Jhonny Bernaschewice and his group. This fact and the constant visits to the Hombo Dojo in order to improve his
During the Bundesseminar in Bad Blankenburg (Germany) two of our students from the Geiko Dojo in Neuwarmbüchen passed their examinations in Chi Ryu. We would like to congratulate them with their achievements. Well done! Kristin Fietz (6th Kyu Chi Ryu Aiki-Jitsu) Thorsten Albrecht (3rd Kyu Chi Ryu Aiki-Jitsu) Pictures
We are happy to let you know that our Polish president of Federation Geido Tao Chi Kihon, Piotr Stepniak, got married on 29th September 2012. May your marriage be filled with all the right ingredients: a heap of love, a dash of humor, a touch of romance,
During the annual summer camp in Budapest (Hungary) Csaba Ziegler passed his examination for Shodan Chi Ryu Aiki-Jitsu. We would like to congratulate him with his huge achievement given the fact that he is only able to see Shihan Bernaschewice twice a year. Again Congratulations and
As you may have noticed our website has been down for the last two weeks. We have changed the layout and made the site (hopefully) more user-friendly. We are still working on some pages and posts, not all pictures are updated, in short it's a